Monday, August 31, 2009

A Fun Way to Pray

A fun way to highlight the spiritual dimension of meals is to choose a prayer by chance. First, compile a list of six table graces. Then before each meal, roll a die from a board game. Whatever number you roll, that is your prayer.

You might choose the following six prayers:

1. For this day,
For this food,
For each other,
For your love
We give you thanks, O God. Amen.

2. Give us, O Lord, thankful hearts which never forget your goodness to us. Give us, O Lord, grateful hearts, which do not waste time complaining. Amen. (Thomas Aquinas, 1225-1274)

3. Thank you for the world so sweet.
Thank you for the food we eat.
Thank you for the birds that sing.
Thank you, God, for everything. Amen.

4. God, bless this food we are about to receive.
Give bread to those who hunger.
And hunger for justice to us who have bread. Amen.

5. (Everyone join hands for a moment of silence. Conclude with “Amen.”)

6. O God, we thank you for this food,
for health and strength and all things good.
May others all these blessings share,
and hearts be grateful everywhere. Amen.

If you have children who enjoy singing, you might want to substitute the following prayer for one of the six above:

(Sung to the theme song for the movie Superman)
Thank you God, for giving us food.
Thank you God, for giving us food.
Our daily bread, we must be fed.
Thank you God, for giving us food

If you have prayers that are particularly meaningful for you, substitute them for some of the six suggested prayers.

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